Patient transport and medical evacuation specialist in Gifu, Japan.
What are we?Gifu Private Emergency provides ground and air patient transport and medical evacuation services from Gifu, Japan to all over the world. We started in 2011 after the Great East Japan Earthquake and with our thoughts for families. We promise to take you there with safety and security as our top priority. We partner with companies in the following countries. These companies are very enthusiastic and boast excellent track records and performance. 我們是什麼?岐阜私人急診中心提供從日本岐阜到世界各地的地面和空中病患轉運和醫療後送服務。我們於 2011 年東日本大地震後開始,懷著對家庭的關懷。我們承諾以安全為首要任務帶您前往那裡。我們與以下國家的公司合作。這些公司都非常熱情,並擁有出色的業績記錄和業績。
What can we do?Our medical team will support you until you return home safely. We also provide multilingual support through interpretation tools. We also provide medical transportation by private ground ambulance, private air ambulance, and Shinkansen. The red dots on the map of Japan are places where we have transported patients. These are Hokkaido, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kagoshima, 我們能做什麼?我們的醫療團隊將為您提供支持,直到您安全回家。我們也透過口譯工具提供多語言支援。我們也透過陸上私人救護車、空中私人救護車和新幹線子彈列車提供醫療運輸。日本地圖上的紅點是有交通紀錄的地點。北海道、東京、名古屋、大阪、鹿兒島等
Any examples?・Transported from Tashkent, Uzbekistan to Incheon, South Korea, complications after brain tumor surgery, artificial ventilator used, total cost from 40 million yen ・One patient each from Okinawa, Japan and Shanghai, China, transported to Vienna, Austria and Cologne, Germany, ARDS, ICU, ECMO, double stretcher, total cost from 60 million yen・Transported from Okinawa, Japan to California, USA, Ovarian mass, Sepsis, Full ICU, Total cost from 40 million yen有什麼例子嗎?・從烏茲別克塔什幹轉運至韓國仁川,腦腫瘤手術後併發症,使用呼吸機,總費用4,000萬日圓起・從日本沖繩、中國上海各轉運一名患者至奧地利維也納、德國科隆,ARDS、全套ICU、ECMO、雙擔架,總費用6,000萬日圓起・從日本沖繩轉運到美國加州,卵巢腫塊,敗血症,全ICU,總費用:4000萬圓起
How do I pay?Transportation costs can be paid in cash or by cashless payment as described below. In addition, for insurance companies with which we have a contract, we will cover the medical examination and transportation costs and make a claim for reimbursement. Therefore, there is no burden on the customer. Please be sure to check with your insurance company.我該如何付款?運輸費用可以用現金或如下所述的非現金支付方式支付。此外,與我們簽訂合約的保險公司將支付醫療檢查和交通費用,並提出重建索賠。因此,客戶沒有支付負擔。請務必諮詢您的保險公司。